Celebrating our culture   Hum Our SongPlay

The opening of the Indian economy in the late twentieth century paved way for opportunities and prosperity for the people of this country. This, combined with globalisation, and the charm for the west has influenced nearly all aspects of our way of life – homes and offices we build, food we eat, our attire, cinema and music we make and listen, our customs, traditions and practices we follow - resulting in rapid and dramatic changes in the inherent fabric of the country, its social and community structure and behaviour of people. Advancement of technology is only accelerating this change. The change has contributed to the economic growth of the country. It is inevitable, unstoppable, and must be accepted. But there is also a downside to it. It is rupturing our social fabric, community living and behaviour. Significant changes are occurring in the way of life of people.

An immensely young population has to deal with the dynamics of this transition on a daily basis. An exodus of young population is taking place from the villages and smaller towns in search of employment opportunities. The migrating youth do not always carry their way of life along thus leaving behind traditions, customs, costumes, which gradually fade out of their lives and collective memories. Efforts are required to preserve and document these traditions and practices for the benefit of future generations to make them strong resilient societies.

Rise in economic prosperity of a country and its constituents without corresponding growth of their culture is likely to make economic prosperity unsustainable in the long term. Producing leaders that excel in the field of art, literature and other cultural areas is fundamental to cultural development of the country. The role of art and literature assumes far greater importance in such times. Thinkers, writers, poets and artists assume a significant role in providing coherence to the process of transition and documenting it. There is a need to strengthen the role and contribution of thinkers, writers, poets and artists in the country.

India is a country with an immensely young population. It is the responsibility of the more stable and established adults of the society to provide guidance, be approachable, become mentors, and offer their wisdom to the young and aspiring population who are the future thought leaders.

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